I am a Cloud Architect with interest in Qauntum Computing

About Me

My name is Sarang. I am a Cloud Architect specializing in Analytics and AI with Mircosoft Azure platform, currently based out of Vancouver, BC. My work involves creating models for supply chain, for customer behavior, freight rating and so on. I use R-RStudio to create small web applications for models and for visualization.
Recently, I started using Github to post my personal projects.I have always loved maps and cartography, so I decided to make mapping as my first project here!

My favorite tools

These are some of the Open Source Tools I normally use and am comfortable with!


R is a widely used Open Source language/environment for data analysis and statistical computing. RStudio is a powerful IDE for R

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Leaflet is a JavaScript library for creating beautiful maps, created by Vladimir Agafonkin.

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OSM and MapBox

OSM(Open Street Map) is Open Data about roads, trails, nodes, POIs and much more, and MapBox is a great tool for quick and smooth mapping of your data.

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Arguably, the best collaborative tool to share your code with the world.

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Here are links to couple of projects:

Vancouver Businesses

Vancouver Cultural Spaces

Get in touch

My City
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
My social networks